Early Work

Friends - You Can’t Be in the World Without Them

Release Date



National Endowment for the Arts and the California Arts Council

Created a video “manual” on how to make friends. Produced with developmentally challenged adults who participated in video workshops geared toward gaining production skills, and learning the basics of media as art and constructor of reality.

Friends - You Can't Be in the World All Alone

This is a participatory media project produced with adults at the Exceptional Childrens Foundation in Los Angeles. The City of Los Angeles put out a Request for Proposals to help developmentally challened adults gain social skills. I suggested that I come to their training center, teach them basic video production skills and that together we make a video about how to make friends. Surprisingly, I was granted the contract and this video is the result. It may sound cliché, but I'm sure I learned more about love and friendship from the participants in the workshop than I could ever teach them. - Gary Glassman